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Information on using Firefox's citation-management add-on, Zotero.

Edit References

To edit information about items in your library:

  1. Click on the citation you would like to change in the Middle Panel.
  2. In the Right Panel, click on the field that you would like to change and type in the new information.
  3. To change the field type, for example, from author to editor, click on the field for a dropdown list.

Relationships between References

You can also create a link between one item and another by adding a relationship between the two items. To add a relationship:

  1. Click on Related tab in the Right Panel.
  2. Click on the Add button.
  3. Select a citation to which you would like to relate the item and click OK.

Add Attachments

You can attach files to individual citations in your library. This is useful when you have saved electronic versions (PDFs) of the articles that you are citing and would like to associate them with the corresponding citations. To add an attachment:

  1. Select the citations to which you would like to attach your file in the Middle Panel.
  2. Click on the Paperclip icon in the Top Menu.
  3. You can attach a file by choosing Attach Link to File or by choosing Attach Stored Copy of File. By linking to a file, you are creating a file path to the document stored on your computer. If you choose to store a copy of the file, the entire document will be saved within Firefox.