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New York Times

170+ years of original reporting, investigation, and analysis

Initial Access to the New York Times for Muskingum students and faculty

To gain initial access to Muskingum University's New York Times subscription by clicking on this LINK and following the instructions. You can also access the link from the A-Z Database list at the New York Times resource.

  • If you are off campus, you will have to login to Off-Campus Access with your last name and your barcode (the 14-digit number found on the back of your ID). 
  • You can also watch this video to learn how to get your New York Times access:

You will be asked to enter your Muskingum email address, pick a password, and then you'll need to indicate student/faculty. If a student, you will need to enter your graduation year. 

After that, you will have an opportunity to personalize your NYT access, including what newsletters you'd like to receive.

NYTNews App

Available for all of your iOS and Android devices, the app enables a personalized feed and push notifications on topics of interest. Preferences can be managed through App Settings.