Welcome to the MLA resource page. MLA is a style of writing and formatting that is created and updated by the Modern Language Association. MLA style is most commonly used in the humanities, such as in English and General Studies Writing courses. The most recent edition is the 9th edition. Learn more here:
What's New in the 9th Edition?
The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) has updated their site to reflect the changes.
Want to learn more? Choose one of the links below (or tabs above) to learn about how to cite a specific type of resource.
Examples in this guide are based on:
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 9th edition.
Many citation sites that help students create bibliographies have not For further MLA guidance, see a reference librarian. |
Beyond this website and its contents, the following links are to other trusted sites on MLA.
View these useful sample papers.
This guide is based on the work done by Colleen Boff at Bowling Green State University.
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