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MLA 9th Edition Subject Guide

Basic Guidelines for Citations in MLA

Basic Journal Article Citation

Basic Works Cited Entry

Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of the Article." Name of Publication volume

       issue, date, pages, DOI/permanent URL (if electronic).


Additional information required in citations of electronic journals:

After the page numbers, include the name of the database or website the piece comes from and the DOI or permanent URL. Also include the date the information was accessed after the medium of publication.

Scholarly Journal Article - Print

Mueller, Ned. "The Teddy Bears' Picnic: Four-Year-Old Children's Personal Constructs in

        Relation to Behavioural Problems and to Teacher Global Concern."  Journal of Child

       Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, vol. 37, no. 4, 1996, pp. 381-389.

Scholarly Journal article from a library database

Bader, Christopher D. "Supernatural Support Groups: Who are the UFO Abductees and

       Ritual-Abuse Survivors?" Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 42

       no. 4, 2003, pp. 669-678.


Article from a magazine - Print

Magazines are cited differently than journal publications. See if you can spot the difference between the journal citations above and the magazine citations below.

Davies, Paul. "Are ALIENS Among Us?"  Scientific American, Dec. 2007, pp. 62-69.

Citations from magazines for the general public, such as Scientific American, Time, Newsweek, or People, do not require volume or issue number, and the date is not placed in parentheses.

Magazine article from a library database

Brandt, Andrew. "Gummi Bears Trick a Fingerprint Scanner." PC World, Aug. 2004, pp.


In-text citations

Inside your paper, give credit to the works you quote.

See examples of how to tell your readers where facts, paraphrases, or quotes in your paper come from at this site from the Purdue OWL: MLA 2021 In-text Citations.

Need more?

Additional examples and explanations for journal or magazine citations are found in the MLA Handbook (2021), or visit the websites listed on the MLA home page.